東京モデル事務所|ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Akari Imamura

2024.4.29 update

アルバイトの履歴書をたまたま見た当時の社長がスカウトしてくれました。 「とりあえずファッションショーに出てみない?」と誘って頂いたんです。 当初はモデルになるつもりがなかったので、少し戸惑いました。
The reason I started modeling
When the president, who happened to see my part-time job resume, scouted me. He asked, 'How about trying out a fashion show?' At first, I was a bit taken aback because I hadn't initially planned on becoming a model.
本気で何かにトライした事がなかったから自分を変えるチャンスだと思いました。 ショーに出演したら楽しかったので、モデルをやる決心がつきました。
How was it to give it a try?
I thought it was a chance to change myself because I had never seriously tried anything before. After appearing in the show and enjoying it, I made up my mind to pursue modeling.
昔から私がやりたい事は必ず挑戦させてくれる両親だったんです。 モデルをやる時も快く背中を押してくれました。
How did your parents react to you becoming a model?
My parents have always been supportive and encouraging of whatever I wanted to pursue. When I decided to become a model, they wholeheartedly supported me and cheered me on.
地元の「PARCO」の広告です。 モデルをしている事は少し照れがあったので、あまり周囲に言っていませんでした。 だけど、広告が展開されると皆凄く応援してくれて。本当に嬉しかった。 この仕事は新しい出会いや、人と人との強い繋がりを感じられるのが魅力ですね。
Do you have any memorable jobs?
It was an advertisement for the local 'PARCO. I was a bit shy about being a model, so I didn't talk about it much to those around me. But when the advertisement came out, everyone was incredibly supportive. It made me really happy. This job is attractive because it allows me to experience new encounters and strong connections between people.
「東京」と聞くだけで、なんだか圧倒されます(笑)。 色々なジャンルの仕事があると思いますが、ファッション撮影に力を入れたいです。
How has it been since moving your base to Tokyo?
Just hearing 'Tokyo' can be quite overwhelming, right? There are probably various types of work available, but I really want to focus on fashion photography.
韓国や中国のインフルエンサーはチェックしています。 アートの要素が強いメイクやスタイリングが面白くて。 自分だったら選ばないような色味や、変わった形のアイテムは見ているだけでワクワクします。 流行より、その人の個性が表れているスタイリングに興味がありますね。
Do you have any fashion icons?
I check out influencers from Korea and China. I find their art-inspired makeup and styling fascinating. Colors and items that I wouldn't personally choose excite me just by looking at them. I'm more interested in styling that reflects a person's individuality rather than following trends.
美術館が好きで、国内外問わず旅行に行ったら必ず訪れます。 特に印象に残っているのは韓国で見たインスタレーション。 展示会場が意図的に歪んでいて、とても不思議な体験をしました。 あとは、建造物や古地図を観るのも好きなので、風変わりな建物を見つけるとテンションが上がります(笑)。
It seems you're interested in art."
"I love visiting art museums, and whenever I travel, both domestically and internationally, I make sure to visit them. One particularly memorable experience was seeing an installation in Korea. The exhibition space was intentionally distorted, creating a very surreal experience. I also enjoy looking at buildings and old maps, so whenever I come across unusual architecture, my excitement goes through the roof.
妹島和世さんと西沢立衛さんによる建築家ユニット「SANAA」の作品は沢山観ました。 建築界でも異彩を放つお二人の作品はガラスを用いたものが多いんです。 まるで異空間に入り込んだ様な感覚にさせてくれます。
Do you have any favorite architects?
I've seen many works by the architectural unit 'SANAA,' which consists of Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa. Their works stand out in the architectural world, often utilizing glass in their designs. They create a sensation as if stepping into a different dimension.
父の影響です。父と「ブラタモリ」(NHK)を見ていたら、地形に興味を持つ様になりました。 昔は河川だった所に今はビルが建っているのが面白くて。
What sparked your interest in old maps?
It was because of my father's influence. Watching 'Buratamori' (NHK) with my father sparked my interest in geography. I found it fascinating how areas that used to be rivers are now filled with buildings.
頑張ったものが作品になる瞬間と、作品としてずっと残るのが醍醐味ですね。 極端な話、自分が死んだ後も作品は後世に残りますよね。 何百年も先の人達に見て貰える可能性がある仕事は中々無いかなと。 モデルは時を超えた繋がりを感じられる仕事だと思います。
What do you think is the best thing about becoming a model?
The best part is when your hard work becomes a piece of art and remains as a work of art for a long time. To put it bluntly, even after I die, the work remains for future generations to see. There aren't many jobs where there's a possibility that people hundreds of years from now will see it. Being a model allows you to feel a connection that transcends time.
モデルをはじめてからポジティブになりました。 ただ落ち込むより、「何でダメだったのか」をきちんと考えるようになったんです。 オーディションや仕事の後は必ず振り返るようにしています。 勉強はそんなに得意じゃないけれど、調べるのは結構好き(笑)。 失敗も学びの一つとして今後に活かすようにしています。
How do you cope when you're feeling down?
Since I started modeling, I've become more positive. Instead of just feeling down, I've started to think about 'why it didn't work out' properly. After auditions or jobs, I always make sure to reflect on them. I'm not particularly good at studying, but I actually enjoy researching. I try to see failures as opportunities to learn and grow for the future.
東京ではゼロからのスタートですが、やる気に満ち溢れています(笑)。 頂いたお仕事は皆さんの期待以上でかえしたいですね。 周りに恩返しができるように頑張ります。
Please let me know your enthusiasm?
In Tokyo, I'm starting from scratch, but I'm filled with enthusiasm. I want to exceed everyone's expectations with the work I receive. I'll do my best to give back to those around me.

Editor's note


"Modes is a job where one can feel a connection that transcends time," says Imamura, who is interested in things created by humans such as art and architecture. When appreciating artwork, she consciously tries to empathize with the artist's perspective. In today's world, where connections between people are difficult to establish, her ability to understand what others are seeking and engage with them sincerely stands out. Like the artists Imamura respects, she wants to work on projects that span generations and contribute to them.

Interviewer:Kyoka Uchida

NMT inc. マネージャー。97年生まれ。東京都出身。立教大学経営学部卒業。デザインプレックス研究所グラフィックデザインコース修了。在学中に蜷川実花氏率いる「ラッキースター」や、千原徹也氏率いる「れもんらいふ」にてインターンを経験。高校時代、少林寺拳法で全国大会準優勝の実績も。

NMT inc. manager. Born in 1997. From Tokyo. Graduated from Rikkyo University's Faculty of Business. Completed the Graphic Design Course at the Design Plex Institute. During his studies, he interned at 'Lucky Star' led by Mika Ninagawa and 'Lemon Life' led by Tetsuya Chihara. In high school, he also achieved second place in the national competition in Shaolin Kempo.