東京モデル事務所|ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Vanri Aoi

2024.6.24 update

昔、母がよくスカウトされていたみたいで、「もしスカウトされたらどうする?」と冗談で話していたんです。 そうしたら、本当に高校生の時にスカウトされました。 これもご縁だと思い、事務所に所属することにしたんです。
What inspired you to start modeling?
My mother used to get scouted a lot when she was younger, and we would joke about what I'd do if I ever got scouted. Then, when I was in high school, I actually did get scouted. I took it as a sign and decided to join the agency.
当時はなかなか自信をもてませんでした。 でも、仕事をしていくうちに普段は自分が選ばない服を着たり、ウィッグを被って別人になったりする事が楽しくなりました。
How did you find it once you started?
At first, I found it hard to be confident. However, as I started working, I began to enjoy wearing clothes I wouldn’t normally choose and transforming into different personas with wigs.
NMT inc.に移籍した決め手は
事務所に友人モデル達が所属している事が大きかったですね。 彼女達から「コミュニケーションがしっかり取れる良い事務所だよ」と聞いていたので。
What made you decide to move to NMT inc.?
A major factor was that my model friends were already with the agency. They told me it was a good agency with strong communication.
本当に細かいところまでヒアリングしてくれます。 自分の求めていたサポートをしてもらえるので、所属できて満足しています。
Are you interested in joining?
They listen to my needs down to the smallest details. I receive the support I was looking for, so I'm satisfied being with them.
上京した時ですね。 「なんとかなるだろう」と、何のバックアップもなしに20歳で上京しました。 若さ故プライドが高かったのですが、ものの見事に全てへし折られました(笑)。 当時は自販機で飲み物を買う事すら躊躇するぐらいで。 東京の空気に縮こまってしまい、自分らしさを失いかけていたんです。
The most challenging thing I've faced so far?
The most challenging thing was when I moved to Tokyo. At 20 years old, I came here without any backup, thinking "I'll manage somehow." Due to my youth and pride, I was quite confident, but everything came crashing down spectacularly. At that time, I hesitated even to buy a drink from a vending machine. I felt small in the atmosphere of Tokyo and was losing my true self.
21歳の時に「ナニー(ベビーシッター)」でハワイに行くことにしました。 3ヶ月間海外で過ごす中で、「自分はどうありたいか」「どう生きていきたいのか」が明確になりました。 そして、帰国後「ミス・ワールド」に出場した頃には自分を取り戻していました。
How did you manage to regain yourself?
When I was 21 years old, I decided to go to Hawaii with a nanny. During the three months spent abroad, I became clear about "how I want to be" and "how I want to live." By the time I participated in "Miss World" after returning home, I had regained myself.
「世界ふしぎ発見!」でドバイに行った事です。 私が生まれる前からやっている番組で「それでは、ここでクエスチョンです!」と自分が言う日が来るなんて。
What is the memorable photo shoot for you?
I went to Dubai for the TV show "Sekai Fushigi Hakken!" It was surreal because it's a show that has been airing since before I was born. Never did I imagine I would be the one saying, "So, here's a question!" on the show one day.
鳥に救われました。 初めての撮影だった事もあり、緊張して全然言葉が出なかったんです。 撮影の終盤にドバイでは普段見れない鳥類が観察できる亜熱帯の施設に行きました。 すると不思議な事に、施設に入った瞬間、人が変わったように言葉が出てきて。 もうカメラが追いつかなくて、止められるくらい(笑)。 鳥好きが仕事に繋がるなんて思ってもいませんでした。 経験と経験が結びつき、化学反応を起こしてより大きな経験となって返ってくる。 人生に無駄なことなんて何一つないと学びました。
In Dubai, I had various experiences.
I was saved by a bird. It was my first shoot, and I was so nervous that I couldn't speak at all. Towards the end of the shoot, we visited a subtropical facility in Dubai where unusual birds are observed, which you don't normally see. As soon as I entered the facility, something miraculous happened—words started flowing out of me as if I had transformed. The camera couldn't keep up anymore; they almost had to stop shooting. I never imagined that my love for birds would lead to a job. Experiences connected and intertwined, creating a chemical reaction that returned as an even greater experience. I learned that there's not a single thing in life that's wasted.
昔、お祭りの屋台で「うずら、ひよこすくい」がありました。 両親にねだって、ひよこ達をよく持ち帰っていました。 そこから鳥好きは始まったのかも。
Why do you like birds?
When I was young, there used to be a stall at festivals where you could scoop up quails and chicks. I would often beg my parents to let me bring them home. That might have been where my love for birds began.
ありますよ。 例えば、先日行ったオーディションが上手くいかず、かなり落ち込みました。
Do you ever feel down?
Yes, I do. For example, I recently didn't do well in an audition I attended, and it really got me down.
色々ありますが、オーディションが上手くいかなかった時は、事務所のモデルに連絡しました。 すると、向こうからランチに誘ってくれて話を聞いてくれたんです。 帰る頃にはスッキリ。 本当に救われましたね。
Do you have any ways to change your mood?
There are various ways, but when the audition didn't go well, I contacted my agency's model. They invited me to lunch and listened to me. By the time I left, I felt much better. It really saved me, you know.
私は運が良く「こんな人になりたい」と思う人に沢山出逢ってきました。 例えば、ドラマの現場で西田敏行さんの側室役を演じた時のこと。 メイク室で西田さんにご挨拶しようとすると、「西田敏行です」と立ち上がって先に頭を下げられたんです。 大御所の西田さんが新人の私より先に頭を下げるなんて。 格好良く見せようとする人より、飾り気がなく裏表がない人が一番素敵だと思っています。
Who has influenced you?
I've been fortunate to meet many people whom I admire and think, "I want to be like them." For example, when I played a minor role alongside Toshiyuki Nishida on a drama set. In the makeup room, when I went to introduce myself to Nishida-san, he stood up and bowed first, saying, "I'm Toshiyuki Nishida." It struck me that such a veteran actor would bow before me, a newcomer. I believe that genuine people, who are unpretentious and sincere, are the most admirable, rather than those who try to appear impressive.
将来、子供達が大きくなった時「僕のお母さんはモデル」って自慢できる母親でありたい。 フリートークも得意なので、話すお仕事もできたらと思っています。
Finally, could you please tell me about your future goals?
In the future, I want to be a mother that my children can proudly say, "My mom is a model," when they grow up. I am also skilled in free talk, so I hope to pursue jobs where I can speak professionally.

Editor's note


Aoi repeatedly mentioned during the interview that she wants to be a person without hidden agendas. To me, she truly seemed like a woman without pretense. Bambi shared how she was saved by her beloved birds on the set of 'Sekai Fushigi Hakken!' Her 'Aoi Birds' will undoubtedly continue to soar loudly in her life. I also want to strive to contribute to her success.

Interviewer:Karin Miyakawa

NMT inc. 新人マネージャー。04年生まれ。昭和音楽大学短期大学部ジャズコース卒業。在学中にジャズバーで働いたことから、ブッキングやプロデュースの醍醐味を知りマネージャー業を志す。自身もジャズギターの演奏者だった経験を活かし、表現者に寄り添えるマネージャーを目指して目下奮闘中。

NMT Inc. new talent manager, born in 2004, graduated from the Jazz Course at Showa Music University's Junior College Division. While in school, discovered the essence of booking and producing from working at jazz bars, inspiring a career path in management. Drawing on experience as a jazz guitarist, striving to support artists closely as a manager who understands the craft.