東京モデル事務所|ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Ako Maeda

2024.9.13 update

What inspired you to start modeling?
The catalyst was seeing Ryoko Yonekura on a drama when I was in elementary school. I thought, "There are such wonderful people out there." That’s how I ended up joining a local agency.
芯がある女性ですね。 自分の考えをしっかり持っているけど、それを他人に押し付ける事のない柔軟性を兼ね備えた女性に惹かれます。
What is the definition of a wonderful woman?
She is a woman with strong principles. I'm attracted to women who have their own beliefs but also possess the flexibility not to impose them on others
NMT inc.に所属したきっかけは
「成功したいなら、成功者の真似をせよ」という父の教えがあります。NMT inc.には活躍している先輩モデルが沢山いるので、この環境でチャレンジしたいと思いました。
What was the reason you joined NMT Inc.?
There is a teaching from my father: "If you want to succeed, you should emulate successful people." Since there are many successful senior models at NMT Inc., I wanted to challenge myself in this environment as well.
How has it been since you joined?
I truly believe it’s a warm and supportive agency. They are always willing to help with even the smallest concerns. I feel that everyone is creating an environment where I can grow as a model.
I really think you’re doing a great job.
Thank you! Honestly, right after moving to Tokyo, I felt homesick. Being away from my family, whom I had spent 18 years with, was more lonely than I had expected. However, with the support from the agency, as well as calls with family and friends, I’m getting the encouragement I need. Because of the people who support me, I’m determined to become a professional model as quickly as possible.
What aspects do you want to refine as a model?
It’s about expression. Through the lessons at the agency, I’ve come to realize that expression is crucial for both acting and posing. At first, I thought acting and posing were completely separate, but as I went through more lessons and test shoots, I understood that expression changes with emotion.
Do you like acting?
When I first moved to Tokyo, I was a bit uncomfortable with acting. Recently, I’ve started to enjoy thinking about the feelings of the characters in the script and considering how the dialogue would play out in real life. However, acting is very deep, so I hope to grow through a lot of experience.
感謝をきちんと伝えるようにしています。モデルは色々な人の支えがあって初めて成立する仕事なので。あとは、コミュニーケーションを沢山とって相手を知るように心掛けています。 距離の縮め方にもよりますが、相手を理解することで良い作品になると信じています。
What do you usually focus on?
I make it a point to properly express my gratitude. Modeling is a job that only works with the support of many people. Additionally, I focus on having a lot of communication to get to know others. Depending on how you bridge the distance, I believe understanding the other person leads to creating better work.
Your attitude towards work is impressive.
Recently, I’m surprised at how much more stoic I’ve become than I expected . The modeling industry in Tokyo is tough, so maybe people change when their environment changes.
How were you able to change so much?
I had no choice but to change, I suppose. The environment here is on a different level from what I was used to, and I feel it’s better to have as many assets as possible. I want to acquire and refine as many skills as I can.
Finally, could you share your vision for the future?
I aim to become a model who can thrive in multiple areas. There are farmers in my hometown who have supported me since I was little. I hope to grow to the point where they can find me in the media.

Editor's note


A few months after Maeda moved to Tokyo.I am amazed by her rapid growth. When she first arrived in Tokyo, Maeda gave me a bottle of Hiroshima's famous "Otafuku Sauce" along with a heartfelt letter. Maeda, who has loved writing letters since childhood, truly values connections with people above all else. After the interview, I read the letter from Maeda again for the first time in a while. It conveyed her purity and ambition. In order to meet her expectations, I also want to enhance my skills in management.

Interviewer:Karin Miyakawa

NMT inc. マネージャー。04年生まれ。昭和音楽大学短期大学部ジャズコース卒業。在学中にジャズバーで働いたことから、ブッキングやプロデュースの醍醐味を知りマネージャー業を志す。自身もジャズギターの演奏者だった経験を活かし、表現者に寄り添えるマネージャーを目指して目下奮闘中。

NMT inc. manager. Born in 2004. Graduated from the Jazz Course of the Short-term College Division at Showa Music University. While in school, discovered the joy of booking and producing through work at a jazz bar, inspiring a pursuit of management. Drawing from experience as a jazz guitarist, striving to be a manager who empathizes with artists, currently in the midst of dedicated efforts.