株式会社ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Nasa Nakada

2024.5.1 update

ゼネコンに就職しました。 毎日業務に追われる中で、「もし私がいなくなったら、一体どうなるんだろう」と思った事があって。 企業はちょっとやそっとの事でオペレーションは崩れません。 私にしかできない仕事がしたいと思うようになり、モデルを志すようになりました。
Did you start working after graduating from university?
Yes, I joined a general contractor. While being caught up in daily tasks, I often wondered, "What would happen if I were gone?" The company would continue operating without missing a beat. This realization made me want to do work that only I could do, which led me to pursue a career in modeling.
ありましたね。学生時代に読者モデルの経験はありましたが、プロとは求められるクオリティが違うと思っていました。 それに妹が必死に打ち込む姿を見ていたので、簡単には決断できなくて。 正直、安定した生活を捨てるのも怖かったし。 最終的には「一度きりの人生を後悔したくない」と思い挑戦する事にしました。
Did your model sister influence you?
Definitely. Although I had some experience as a reader model during my student days, I felt that the quality required for a professional was on another level. Watching my sister work so hard made it difficult to make the decision lightly. I was honestly scared of giving up a stable life. Ultimately, I decided to challenge myself because I didn't want to regret anything in my one and only life.
かなり変わりました。 前より人と深く、じっくり向き合うようになりました。 そうすると自然と友人が私の目標について真剣にアドバイスをしてくれるようになったんです。 今までは正直アドバイスを気にしない性格でしたが、親や友達からの助言を大切にするようになりました。
Your life must have changed dramatically.
It did. I started to engage with people more deeply and thoughtfully. As a result, my friends began to seriously advise me about my goals. Previously, I didn't really care about advice, but now I value the guidance from my parents and friends.
NMT inc.に所属していかがですか
OLと違ってモデルは現場によって全く異なります。 常に新しい環境に身を置く事で刺激を受けています。 モデルは変わりのきかない仕事。 この感覚はこれまで感じた事がないものでした。
How do you find being part of NMT inc.?
Unlike an office job, modeling varies greatly from one assignment to the next. Being constantly in new environments is very stimulating. Modeling is a unique job that can't be easily replaced. This feeling was something I'd never experienced before.
サウナにハマっています。 サウナ後に食べる「サウナ飯」も最高です。 好きが高じて「フィンランド政府観光局認定 サウナアンバサダー」まで取得しました。
Do you have any current hobbies or interests?
I'm really into saunas. The "sauna meals" you eat afterward are the best. My passion for saunas led me to become a "Finland Government Tourism Board Certified Sauna Ambassador."
そうですね。最近はサウナ施設やグッズも増えました。 いつか、こだわりのサウナグッズやサ飯のプロデュース等してみたいですね。
It sounds like you've been into saunas even before they became a trend.
Yes, that's right. Recently, there are more sauna facilities and products available. One day, I'd love to produce my own line of sauna goods and sauna meals.
モデルは自分の行動がそのまま結果として跳ね返ってくると思います。 だから上手く行かない事が続いた時は、じっくり原因を考えるようにしています。 今後も自分にしかできない事を追求しながらモデル業を楽しみたいと思います。
Finally, could you share your future aspirations?
I believe that in modeling, your actions directly affect your results. When things don't go well, I take the time to thoroughly think about the reasons. Moving forward, I want to continue enjoying modeling while pursuing things that only I can do.

Editor's note


Nakada always saw her younger sister as a symbol of freedom. At home, she was often told, "You're the older sister, so..." which shaped her upbringing. Her sister, who shone in the modeling world, seemed dazzling. However, Nakada realized something important after becoming a model herself: her sister's freedom came from relentless challenges. True freedom is achieved only when both the mind and body are liberated, not just on the surface. With this understanding, it's only a matter of time before Nakada attains a form of expression unique to her.

Interviewer:Yotaro Kato


Creative director. Born in 1984. After completing graduate studies at the Graduate School of International Information and Communication Studies at Waseda University, worked at the head office of Japan Post Co., Ltd. before becoming independent. Involved in strategic planning and production of plans for media-related companies, as well as content creation through writing and photography.