東京モデル事務所|ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Anju Ebara

2024.5.9 update

中1の時、テレビでファッションショーを見て以来です。 前衛的なフォルムの衣装を颯爽と歩くモデルが、とにかく格好良くて。 母がアパレルで働いていた影響もあったかもしれません。
Did you always aspire to be a model?
Since I was in the first year of junior high school, after watching a fashion show on TV. The models walking in avant-garde outfits looked incredibly cool. My mother working in the apparel industry might have influenced me as well.
いつからNMT inc.に所属しましたか
高校卒業後に所属しました。 合格を頂いた時は凄く嬉しかったですね。 普段は無口なんですけど、親戚や友人に「モデルになる」って宣言してました(笑)。
When did you join NMT inc.?
I joined after graduating high school. I was extremely happy when I got accepted. Although I'm usually quiet, I declared to my relatives and friends, "I'm going to be a model".
事務所のレッスンの初日、先輩モデルの真剣さに圧倒されました。 「憧れは憧れのままにしておいた方が良かったのかもしれない」と正直不安になりました。
How has it been since joining?
On the first day of lessons at the agency, I was overwhelmed by the seriousness of the senior models. Honestly, I felt uncertain and thought, "Maybe it's better to keep my admiration just as admiration."
社長や先輩にアドバイスを繰り返し頂くうちに、不安を気にする時間が勿体ないと思うようになりました。 レッスンでも自宅でも、ウォーキングやポージングの練習を繰り返しました。
But you didn't give up, did you?
With repeated advice from the president and senior models, I started to feel that worrying about my uncertainties was a waste of time. I practiced walking and posing over and over again, both in lessons and at home.
諦めないで本当に良かったです。 東コレを目標に頑張っていたので。 ただ、初ランウェーを経験して自分の足りない部分も沢山認識しました。 単に見た目が綺麗なウォーキングやポージングができるだけでは駄目なんだって。
You successfully walked in the Tokyo Collection.
I'm really glad I didn't give up. I was striving for Tokyo Collection, so achieving that goal was incredible. However, after my first runway experience, I realized many areas where I was lacking. Simply being able to do visually appealing walking and posing wasn't enough.
内面の豊かさです。 私にはプロとしての感性がまだまだ不足していると感じました。 それ以来、レッスンやトレーニングは勿論、オフの日は映画鑑賞や読書を重ねています。
What do you think is necessary?
Inner richness. I felt that I still lacked the professional sensibility. Since then, in addition to lessons and training, I spend my off days watching movies and reading books.
正直、自分ではよくわかりません(笑)。 ただ、内面からの表現を意識しながら仕事を続けてきたので、弱点に感じていた人見知りも克服しました。 モデルをする事で自分の弱点が良くなっていく感覚は楽しいです。
Have you changed since your debut?
Honestly, I’m not sure. However, I’ve been focusing on expressing myself from within, which has helped me overcome my shyness, which used to be a weakness. It's fun to feel my weaknesses improve through modeling.
引き続きファッションのお仕事もやりつつ、ビューティーの案件も増やしたいですね。 その為にも、スキンコンディションに磨きをかけたいと思っています。
Finally, can you share your future aspirations?
I want to continue working in fashion and also take on more beauty projects. To achieve that, I aim to refine my skin condition.

Editor's note


When Ebara wants to relax, she practices kendama. "Moshimoshi Kameyo, Kamesan yo," she sings as the turtle climbs steadily towards the summit. This reflects her own steady growth as a model. Watching her confident expression, I felt certain that she will rise to great heights someday.

Interviewer:Yotaro Kato


Creative director. Born in 1984. After completing graduate studies at the Graduate School of International Information and Communication Studies at Waseda University, worked at the head office of Japan Post Co., Ltd. before becoming independent. Involved in strategic planning and production of plans for media-related companies, as well as content creation through writing and photography.