株式会社ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Yutaka Katagiri

2024.5.9 update

物心がついた頃からファッションが大好きでした。 誰よりもお洒落になりたくて、小学生の頃から何冊もファッション誌を読んでいましたね。 ファッションについて、もっと知りたいと思い服飾系の大学に進学した程です。
Tell me about your childhood.
I have loved fashion for as long as I can remember. I wanted to be more stylish than anyone else, so even in elementary school, I read numerous fashion magazines. My passion for fashion led me to attend a fashion university to learn more about it.
地元広島のモデル事務所に所属しました。 ただ、当時は自分に自信がもてませんでした。 トレーニングを重ねても体のコンディションが上がらなくて。 「こんな私がモデルなんて出来るのかな」って何度も思いました。
You became a model because you loved fashion.
I joined a modeling agency in my hometown of Hiroshima. However, I lacked confidence at the time. Despite continuous training, my physical condition didn't improve. I often thought, "Can someone like me really be a model?"
親身になって相談に乗ってくれる先輩や同期モデルの存在が大きかったですね。 同期が「東京へ行く!」と宣言していた事にも触発されました。 「ミス・ユニバース」の広島代表になったのも転換点でしたね。
How did you overcome these challenges?
The support from senior and fellow models who genuinely listened to my concerns was significant. I was also inspired when a fellow model declared, "I'm going to Tokyo!" Becoming the Hiroshima representative for "Miss Universe" was another turning point.
ファッションに対する考え方が一変しました。 今までした事がないメイクやファッションをする事で、心の在り方までもが変わりました。 何より「自分が広島代表なんだ」と責任を強く感じたのも刺激になりました。 審査員特別賞を頂けたのも嬉しかったですね。
What did you learn from participating in Miss Universe?
My perspective on fashion changed dramatically. Trying new makeup and fashion I had never attempted before transformed my mindset as well. Above all, the strong sense of responsibility that came with representing Hiroshima was motivating. Winning the Special Jury Prize was also a delight.
本当にありがたいです。 どう着こなしたら服が綺麗に見えるか、それをみた人が「この服欲しい、買いたい」と思ってくれるかを考えながら撮影しています。
You've been doing more fashion shoots recently.
I'm truly grateful. I think about how to wear clothes in a way that makes them look beautiful and makes people want to buy them when they see them.
ありがとうございます。主演はあくまで衣装なので、私は助演として最大限服を引き立てる役に徹します。 カジュアルからコンサバ、フォーマルまで様々なシーンで起用して頂けるように引き続き頑張ります。
You seem to have a lot of respect for clothing.
Thank you. The leading role is always the outfit, so I commit to my role as the supporting actor to highlight the clothes as much as possible. I will continue to strive to be chosen for various scenes, from casual to conservative and formal.
もっとファッションを楽しみたい。 コロナ禍を経た今だからこそ、好きな服を着て街を自由に歩ける事を尊く感じます。 「私には似合わない」「年齢的にどうだろう」なんて言わずに、一緒にファッションを楽しみませんか? 着る服一つで、人はいくらでも変われると思うから。
Lastly, any final words?
I want to enjoy fashion even more. Especially now, after the COVID-19 pandemic, I cherish the freedom to wear my favorite clothes and walk around the city. Instead of saying, "This doesn't suit me" or "I wonder if it's age-appropriate," why not enjoy fashion together? I believe that with the right clothes, anyone can change.

Editor's note


The day after the interview, I saw Katagiri in action on Instagram. Her seasonal outfit and expression caught my eye. Before I knew it, I was drawn into her world. I went to an apparel shop and bought a jacket in a color I wouldn't normally choose. As Katagiri said, by the time I left the shop, I felt like I had met a new version of myself.

Interviewer:Yotaro Kato


Creative director. Born in 1984. After completing graduate studies at the Graduate School of International Information and Communication Studies at Waseda University, worked at the head office of Japan Post Co., Ltd. before becoming independent. Involved in strategic planning and production of plans for media-related companies, as well as content creation through writing and photography.