株式会社ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Riko Nakamine

2024.5.9 update

学生時代から音楽活動をしていました。 つんくさんプロデュースの「キャナァーリ倶楽部」というグループでデビューしました。 デビューしてからもダンスとヴォーカルレッスンの日々でしたね。 貴重な経験をさせて頂きました。
What inspired you to enter the industry?
I was involved in music activities since my student days. I debuted in a group produced by Tsunku called "Canary Club." Even after our debut, we spent our days in dance and vocal lessons. It was a valuable experience.
ウエディングプランナーをしていました。 ちょっと芸能活動に疲れていた事もあり、業界とは違う職業を経験してみたかったんです。
What did you do after leaving the group?
I worked as a wedding planner. I was a bit tired of the entertainment industry and wanted to experience a different kind of job.
そうですね。人の笑顔を見るのが好きなんです。 ウエディングは女性にとって特別な儀式ですよね。 ドレスを着ている時、悲しい顔をする女性はいないでしょ? そんな新婦の嬉しそうな笑顔を見ていると、こちらも幸せになります。
That's a significant career change.
Yes, it is. I love seeing people smile. Weddings are special ceremonies for women. No woman looks sad while wearing a wedding dress, right? Seeing the brides' joyful smiles made me happy as well.
正直に言うと、ウエディングドレスを着たかったから(笑)。 事務所の面接の際、「ウエディングのお仕事は出来ますか?」と聞いたぐらいです。 おかげさまで、沢山のウエディングドレスを着させて頂きました(笑)。
Why did you switch to modeling?
To be honest, it was because I wanted to wear wedding dresses. During my interview with the agency, I even asked, "Can I do wedding-related work?" Thanks to that, I've had the opportunity to wear many wedding dresses.
体作りが大変です。 食べるのが好きなので、なるべくダイエットはしたくないんです。 モデルになる前はトレーニングやダイエットは三日坊主。 そんな私が、今ではフルマラソンに挑戦するまでになったので、自分でも驚いています。
Have you faced any challenges as a model?
Maintaining my body has been tough. I love eating, so I try to avoid dieting. Before becoming a model, I would give up on training or dieting after three days. Now, I've surprised myself by taking on full marathons.
そうですね(笑)。 あとは、栄養管理の為に「ヘルシー&ビューティーフードアドバイザー」も取得して、料理にも力を入れています。 料理の写真をSNSに投稿すると「参考にしました」「作ってみたら美味しかった」というお声も頂き嬉しい限りです。
Your mindset has changed significantly.
Yes, it has. Additionally, I obtained a "Healthy & Beauty Food Advisor" certification to manage my nutrition better, and I've been focusing on cooking. When I post pictures of my dishes on social media, I receive comments like "I used your recipe as a reference" and "It was delicious when I tried it," which makes me very happy.
ありがとうございます(笑)。 小学生の頃、CAになるのが夢だったので、仕事が決まった時は嬉しかったですね。 この仕事をして以来、搭乗の際はCAさんをよく観察するようになりました。 華やかな職業ですが、同時に凄く大変なお仕事という事も知りました。
By the way, I often see you at the airport.
Thank you. When I was in elementary school, my dream was to become a flight attendant, so I was thrilled when I got this job. Since then, I've been observing flight attendants closely whenever I board a plane. It's a glamorous job, but I've also learned how incredibly challenging it is.
今は三人の子育てとモデルの両立で、あっという間に1日が過ぎていきます。 充実した毎日を過ごす為にも、食事と運動に気をつけながら頑張ります。 応援よろしくお願いします。
Any final words?
Balancing modeling with raising three children makes the days fly by. To continue having fulfilling days, I focus on maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine. I appreciate your continued support.

Editor's note


Nakamine enjoys her modeling career, and through our conversation, I learned that fully enjoying what you love enhances beauty. Perhaps, spreading this joy to many women is her true mission. I am confident that Nakamine will continue to bring smiles to many women through her modeling work.

Interviewer:Yotaro Kato


Creative director. Born in 1984. After completing graduate studies at the Graduate School of International Information and Communication Studies at Waseda University, worked at the head office of Japan Post Co., Ltd. before becoming independent. Involved in strategic planning and production of plans for media-related companies, as well as content creation through writing and photography.