株式会社ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Yukari Kashima

2024.5.11 update

幼少時代から憧れていました。 子供の頃に見たCMに有名モデルが出演していて、映っているもの全てがとにかく美しかったんです。 圧倒的な世界観を目の当たりにして、私もいつかCMに出演したいと思いました。
When did you start aspiring to be a model?
I've been fascinated by modeling since I was a child. I remember watching commercials featuring famous models, and everything about them was incredibly beautiful. Witnessing such an overwhelming world made me dream of appearing in a commercial myself one day.
中2の時ファッション誌のコンテストに出場してグランプリを頂きました。 普段から愛読していた雑誌だったので嬉しかったですね。 ファッション誌で実績を重ねたら、「昔見たようなCMに私も起用されるチャンスが来るかもしれない」とも思いました。
You took steps to make your dream come true.
When I was in the eighth grade, I entered a fashion magazine contest and won the grand prize. It was thrilling because it was a magazine I regularly read. I thought that building a career in fashion magazines might eventually lead to opportunities like those commercials I admired as a child.
ドラマ撮影の経験もさせて頂きました。 モデルの撮影とは違って、スタッフ数の多さに驚きました。 演技の面白さと難しさを学べたのはありがたかったです。
You've ventured into acting as well.
Yes, I had the chance to participate in drama shoots. The sheer number of staff members compared to a modeling shoot was surprising. I learned a lot about the intricacies and challenges of acting, which was invaluable.
現場スタッフのちょっとした反応を大切にするという事です。 モデルの現場では滅多にダメ出しはありませえ。 役者は監督からの演技指導が入ります。 自分の事で精一杯だと周囲にまで目が行き届きませんよ。 だから事前準備をしっかりして気持ちに余裕を持つ事で、スタッフの細かな反応や要求にも対応できると思います。 この考え方は、CMの撮影でも役立っています。
What specific lessons did you learn from acting?
One key lesson was the importance of paying attention to subtle reactions from the staff. In modeling, there's rarely direct criticism, but in acting, directors provide detailed guidance. If you're too focused on yourself, you can't fully notice what's happening around you. By preparing thoroughly and maintaining a calm mindset, you can better respond to the subtle cues and needs of the staff. This approach has also been beneficial for commercial shoots.
決定の知らせを頂いた時、長年の夢が叶い本当に嬉しかったです。 私はこれまで時間を見つけては、旅をする機会を大切にしてきました。 それぞれの国で色々な感覚に触れる事が好きなので。 今回のCM撮影でも海外旅行の経験を活かせたと思います。 美しい作品に仕上がっているので、多くの方に見て頂きたいです。
You've also achieved your dream of appearing in a global commercial.
Receiving the news that I was cast in an international commercial was incredibly gratifying. I've always valued travel and the chance to experience different cultures and sensations. I believe my travels have enriched my work. The commercial turned out beautifully, and I hope many people get to see it.
今後も美しいものに触れる機会を増やして、少しでも感性を養えたらと思っています。 皆さんに見て頂ける機会を増やせる様頑張ります。
Any final thoughts?
I hope to continue engaging with beautiful things and further develop my sensibilities. I'll keep striving to increase the opportunities for everyone to see my work.

Editor's note


I have a feeling that one day, a young girl will be inspired by Kashima's work and take action herself. Kashima's constant pursuit of beauty and her dedication to refining her expressive abilities will surely inspire the next generation. That young girl will likely see herself in Kashima's work and embark on her own journey, just as Kashima did when she was young.

Interviewer:Yotaro Kato


Creative director. Born in 1984. After completing graduate studies at the Graduate School of International Information and Communication Studies at Waseda University, worked at the head office of Japan Post Co., Ltd. before becoming independent. Involved in strategic planning and production of plans for media-related companies, as well as content creation through writing and photography.