株式会社ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Sayu Hasegawa

2024.5.10 update

幼稚園の時、世界的に有名なモデルを目にしました。 その時、母から「モデル」という職業について教わりました。 物心が付き始めた頃だから、すぐに忘れても不思議じゃないのに、モデルの事はずっと頭の片隅にあって。 卒業文集に「夢はモデル」と書いたぐらいです。
When did you start aspiring to be a model?
When I was in kindergarten, I saw a world-famous model. That’s when my mother told me about the profession of modeling. I was so young then that it wouldn’t have been surprising if I’d forgotten about it quickly, but the idea of being a model stayed in the back of my mind. I even wrote "My dream is to be a model" in my graduation essay.
そうですね、本当にありがたいです。 ただ、十代の頃は自分の事がよくわかっていなかったので、オーディションが決まらず悔しい思いもしました。 上京して間もない頃は相談できる友達もいなかったし。 一人暮らしのせいか、コンディションの調整も上手くいきませんでした。
Your dream came true.
Yes, I’m truly grateful. However, in my teenage years, I didn't fully understand myself, so I experienced a lot of frustration from not passing auditions. When I first moved to Tokyo, I didn’t have any friends to talk to. Living alone made it hard to maintain my condition as well.
プライドだけは一人前だったから、辛くても感情を表に出しませんでした。 もう地道に努力を続ける以外、道はないと思っていたし。 モデルだけを夢見ていたから、それを諦めて他の仕事をするなんて考えられませんでした。
But you didn’t give up.
I had a lot of pride, so even though it was tough, I didn’t show my emotions. I thought the only path forward was to keep working diligently. I couldn’t imagine doing any other job because becoming a model was my sole dream.
結婚して子供を授かりました。 母親としての役割ができた事で、仕事に対する責任感も変化したんです。 子供との時間を作る為に、先のスケジュールを見据えて仕事とプライベートのメリハリをつけるようになりました。 子育ての経験も役立ってか仕事の幅も広がりました。
And then, a turning point came.
I got married and had a child. Taking on the role of a mother changed my sense of responsibility toward work. To make time for my child, I started to balance my work and private life by planning my schedule ahead. Perhaps my experience with child-rearing expanded my range of work opportunities.
そうなんです。DIYが好きでオフの日はホームセンターで材料を集めて家具を作ります。 理想の家を目指して家具を作るのって楽しいんですよ。 子供と一緒にベランダで植物を育てていますが、「クチナシ」とか可愛いですよ。
It brought more balance to your life.
Yes, exactly. I love DIY, so on my days off, I gather materials at home improvement stores and make furniture. Creating furniture for my ideal home is really fun. I also grow plants on the balcony with my child; plants like gardenias are especially lovely.
元々体を動かすのが好きだったので、すっかりヨガにハマりました。 好きが高じてインストラクターの資格も取得しました。 ヨガを始めてからポージングにも活かされています。
You’re also seriously into yoga.
I’ve always liked physical activity, so I got really into yoga. My passion led me to become a certified yoga instructor. Yoga has improved my posing as well.
これからも自分のペースで仕事を続けていきたい思っています。 応援よろしくお願いします。
Finally, do you have a message for us?
I want to continue working at my own pace. Thank you for your support.

Editor's note


After the interview, I got curious about gardenias and looked them up. I wondered if Hasegawa knew the meaning of the flower's name. Pursuing a career as a model and building her ideal home through DIY projects. Hasegawa, who has been chasing one dream, added another dream and transformed. What she gained by layering her dreams is a sense of fulfillment, which is also a meaning of the gardenia's flower language. As a model and a mother, Hasegawa has found unparalleled happiness.

Interviewer:Yotaro Kato


Creative director. Born in 1984. After completing graduate studies at the Graduate School of International Information and Communication Studies at Waseda University, worked at the head office of Japan Post Co., Ltd. before becoming independent. Involved in strategic planning and production of plans for media-related companies, as well as content creation through writing and photography.