株式会社ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Mieko Nishimura

2024.5.10 update

子供の頃からです。 青森の弘前で生まれ育った私にとって、東京は憧れその物でした。 テレビや雑誌で東京を目にする度に、都会での生活を想像して夢を膨らませていたんです。 好きなファッション誌を飾るモデル達はキラキラして見えました。 東京に行けば、雑誌みたいな生活が楽しめるんじゃないかなって(笑)。
When did you start aspiring to be a model?
I've wanted to be a model since I was a child. Growing up in Hirosaki, Aomori, Tokyo was like a dream for me. Every time I saw Tokyo on TV or in magazines, I imagined living in the city and my dreams expanded. The models in my favorite fashion magazines looked so glamorous. I thought if I went to Tokyo, I could enjoy a life like in the magazines.
青森と東京を往復していました。 ただ憧れの東京へ来たものの、中々力を発揮できませんでした。 同年代のモデルはどんどん自分を出していくのに、私は上手くアピールできなくて。 今思うと私は「じょっぱり」だったのかもしれません。
I became an exclusive model for a magazine at the age of 13.
I commuted between Aomori and Tokyo. However, even though I came to Tokyo, I couldn't quite perform well. While other models of the same age were expressing themselves more, I couldn't quite appeal to others. Looking back, I might have been a bit 'jyopari'.
あっ、じょっぱりは青森弁で「頑固者」の事です(笑)。 読者から支持されようとすればする程、「こうでなきゃいけない」という思いが強くなって。 今思えば極端なんですけど、モデルは全てを美に捧げなきゃいけないと信じていたんです。 まだ子供だったんですよね。
Oh, 'Jyopari' is a term in the Aomori dialect that means 'stubborn person'. The more I tried to be liked by readers, the stronger my belief became that I had to be a certain way. Looking back, it was extreme, but I believed that to be a model, I had to dedicate myself entirely to beauty. I was still a child.
東京でOLをしました。 働きながら休日に旅行する生活も気に入っていたんです。 だけど、頭の片隅ではモデルをしたい気持ちがいつまでも残っていました。
You took a break from modeling at one point.
I worked as an office worker in Tokyo. I enjoyed my life, working and traveling on weekends. But deep down, I still had the desire to model.
悩んでいる時に、「悩むぐらいなら、もう一度チャレンジしてみればいいじゃない」とアドバイスされました。 その言葉に背中を押されて、NMT inc.に所属する事にしたんです。
What prompted you to retry?
When I was struggling, someone advised me, 'Instead of worrying, why don't you give it another try?' Encouraged by those words, I decided to join NMT Inc.
当時は必死過ぎて、大変かどうかなんて振返る暇もなかった。 そんな私を支えたのは、やっぱりじょっぱりの精神かな(笑)。
How has it been since joining?
At that time, I was too desperate to even reflect on whether it was difficult or not. I think it was my stubbornness that supported me.
モデルを再開して気がついた事があるんです。 この仕事は結局のところ、日々の生活をきちんと過ごす事が大切なんだなって。 昔は「美に全てを捧げる」なんて思っていましたが、今は心の余裕こそ美しさの源だと感じています。 これからもよろしくお願いします。
Lastly, do you have any final words?
When I resumed modeling, I realized something. Ultimately, this job is about living each day properly. I used to think I had to dedicate everything to beauty, but now I feel that inner peace is the source of beauty. Please continue to support me.

Editor's note


Nishimura expresses her desire to be a model that embraces the lifestyle of others. Rather than being an admired figure as a model, she wants to be like a close friend to the readers. I asked her what it means to embrace, and after a brief silence, she answered with a smile, 'In Aomori, communication without words is considered sophisticated.' I felt like I understood a little bit about what Nishimura meant by 'embracing.'

Interviewer:Yotaro Kato


Creative director. Born in 1984. After completing graduate studies at the Graduate School of International Information and Communication Studies at Waseda University, worked at the head office of Japan Post Co., Ltd. before becoming independent. Involved in strategic planning and production of plans for media-related companies, as well as content creation through writing and photography.