東京モデル事務所|ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Reina Fujisaka

2024.5.13 update

子供の頃からモデルをしていました。 モデルは学校と同じ様に楽しかったです。
Can you tell us about your modeling career?
I started modeling when I was a child. Modeling was as enjoyable for me as going to school.
迷っていた時期もあったので飲食やアパレルの店員もしました。 色々やった上で、モデルを本業にしたい気持ちが固まりました。
When did you decide to make modeling your profession?
There was a time when I was unsure, so I worked in the food service and apparel industries. After trying different things, I solidified my desire to make modeling my main profession.
地元も充実していましたが、成人したら上京して仕事の幅を広げたいと思っていました。 20歳は大人として生きていく節目の年だから。
You initially worked in Osaka, right?
I was content in my hometown, but I wanted to move to Tokyo and expand my work once I became an adult. Turning 20 is a significant milestone, marking the start of adult life.
お世話になっているカメラマンに相談しました。 タイミングを見て東京で挑戦したいと。 すると「本当に東京でやりたいなら、20歳になるのを待たないで今すぐ行った方がいい」とアドバイスを頂きました。 最初はアドバイスが何を意味するのかはわからなかったんですけど、何故かやる気スイッチは入って(笑)。 早速、東京のモデル事務所に履歴書を送りました。
Did you take any specific actions?
I consulted with a photographer I trusted. I told him I wanted to challenge myself in Tokyo when the time was right. He advised me, “If you really want to succeed in Tokyo, don’t wait until you’re 20; go right now.” At first, I didn’t fully understand his advice, but it somehow switched on my motivation. I immediately sent my resume to modeling agencies in Tokyo.
NMT inc.を選んだ理由は
社長をはじめスタッフの一体感ですね。 モデルに対する情熱も凄く感じたし、「私もここで頑張りたい」と思いました。 厳しい事務所だというのはモデル仲間から聞いていました。 ただ、厳しい環境に身を置く事で多くのチャンスをもらえるなら、私はそれを選びたかった。
Why did you choose NMT Inc.?
It was the sense of unity among the staff, including the president. I felt their passion for modeling strongly and thought, "I want to work hard here." I had heard from other models that it was a tough agency. However, I wanted to choose a challenging environment that would offer me many opportunities.
勉強しなきゃいけない事が山程あります。 体型作りは勿論、表現力やポージングの改善も必要でした。 何よりモデルとしての存在感をつけないといけない。 私が目指すのは、強く印象に残るモデルです。 新人はナチュラルでフレッシュなイメージでもある程度戦えますが、それだけでは長続きしないので。
How has it been since joining the agency?
There are countless things I need to learn. Besides maintaining my physique, I need to improve my expressiveness and posing skills. Most importantly, I need to establish a strong presence as a model. I aim to be a model who leaves a lasting impression. As a newcomer, you can compete with a natural and fresh image, but that alone isn’t enough to sustain a long career.
見た目だけじゃなく、きちんと感情表現をする事だと思います。 例えば、先日の演技レッスンで「愛」を表現する時に、心の奥底から込み上げてくる何かが不足していると気付きました。 「好き」の感情は比較的わかりやすいけど、「愛」の表現は難しいですよね。 年齢や人生経験のせいにはしたくないんです。 考えた挙句、人を想う感情を最大限膨らませて表現すれば、相手に強い印象を与えられると思っています。
What does it take to leave a strong impression?
I believe it's about properly expressing emotions, not just appearance. For example, during a recent acting lesson, I realized that when expressing "love," something deep inside me was lacking. The feeling of "like" is relatively easy to grasp, but expressing "love" is challenging. I don’t want to blame it on age or life experience. After some thought, I believe that by maximizing and expressing my feelings for others, I can leave a strong impression.
チャンスを掴むにはタイミングを待つのではなくて、自分でタイミングを作っていく事が大切だと思います。 今ならカメラマンに言われたアドバイスがわかります。 これからも自分の直感を信じてトライしていきます!
Any final words?
I think it's important to create your own timing to seize opportunities rather than waiting for the right moment. Now I understand the advice the photographer gave me. I will continue to trust my instincts and take on new challenges!

Editor's note


Fujisaka laughed as she said, "I thought my teenage years would last forever" What will she achieve, having started her modeling career in Tokyo before turning 20? Despite feeling her way through, Fujisaka earnestly gains experience. I hope she continues to embrace her individuality and seizes the great possibilities ahead.

Interviewer:Yotaro Kato


Creative director. Born in 1984. After completing graduate studies at the Graduate School of International Information and Communication Studies at Waseda University, worked at the head office of Japan Post Co., Ltd. before becoming independent. Involved in strategic planning and production of plans for media-related companies, as well as content creation through writing and photography.