東京モデル事務所|ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Saki Yasuda

2024.4.27 update

ファッション誌のオーディションで特別賞を頂いたのをきっかけに福島から通い始めました。 東京でのモデル活動は魅力的でしたね。
What prompted you to start modeling?
I started commuting from Fukushima after receiving a special award at a fashion magazine audition. Modeling in Tokyo was very appealing.
部活でやっていた陸上競技と似たものを感じたんです。 オーディションを勝ち抜くのが、予選会を突発していくみたいで(笑)。
What aspects were appealing to you?
It felt similar to track and field, which I did in club activities. Winning auditions was like advancing through preliminary rounds in a competition.
実はファッションの仕事を本格的に始めたのはNMT inc.に所属してから。 以前は情報番組や芝居の仕事が多かったので、新たな可能性にワクワクしています。
Were you interested in fashion?
I actually started working seriously in fashion after joining NMT Inc. Previously, I did a lot of work on information programs and acting, so I'm excited about these new possibilities.
NMT inc.に所属した決め手は何ですか
所属モデル達と仲が良かったのは大きいかな。 仕事の話をした時、ビビッと来るものがあったので面接を受けました。 気になったら追いかけるタイプなんです。
What made you decide to join NMT inc.?
A big factor was that I got along well with the other models there. When we talked about work, I felt a strong connection, so I decided to apply for an interview. I'm the type to pursue what catches my interest.
あっ、そうかも(笑)。 それと、あらゆる事を自分で選択するようになりました。 モデルになる前は人に選んでもらう事が多かったんです。 この仕事はそんな私を成長させくれましたね。
You have a single-minded side, don't you?
Oh, maybe so. Also, I started making my own choices in everything. Before becoming a model, I often had others choose for me. This job has helped me grow in that aspect.
「ZIP!」(NTV)のレポーターは、仕事に対する意識を変えてくれました。 全国の生放送を経験して責任を感じたんです。楽しいだけじゃダメなんだと。 共演者やスタッフからも沢山の刺激を受け、社会人としても学ばせて頂きました。
What job left a lasting impression on you?
Being a reporter on "ZIP(NTV)!" changed my attitude towards work. Experiencing live broadcasts nationwide made me realize the responsibility I had. It can't just be fun. I was inspired by my co-stars and staff, and I learned a lot as a professional.
ありましたね。 支えてくれる人達の為に頑張ろうと思いました。 仕事を相手軸で考えられるようになったというか。
That was a significant change in your mindset.
Yes, there was. I started thinking that I wanted to work hard for the people who support me. I began to approach my work from the perspective of others.
そうですね。その時感じた事は日記に書く様にしています。 映画や読書の感想もメモします。
You've been influenced by various experiences.
Yes, I write down what I feel in a diary. I also note down my thoughts on movies and books.
非公開です(笑)。 後は芝居で様々な女優さんから勉強させて頂きました。
I'd love to know the contents.
They're private. I also learned a lot from various actresses through acting.
ドラマの現場で、前田亜季さんや江口のりこさんから多くの事を学びました。 お二人は演技が素晴らしいのは勿論、人間力が凄いんです。
What kind of work was that?
On drama sets, I learned a lot from Aki Maeda and Noriko Eguchi. Not only is their acting amazing, but their personal qualities are incredible too.
えっ、まだまだです(笑)。 高校時代の恩師からこんな言葉を頂きました。 「何も咲かない寒い日は、下へ下へ根を伸ばせ。やがて大きな花が咲く」 いつか大輪を咲かせられるように、今後もチャレンジを続けていきます。
You also seem to have a strong personal quality.
Oh, not yet. I received these words from my mentor in high school: "On cold days when nothing blooms, extend your roots deeper. Eventually, a big flower will bloom." I will continue to challenge myself so that I can someday bloom in full glory.

Editor's note


"Make it possible if you can't do it." I felt a strong resolve from Yasuda, who has continued to take on new challenges. It's not just about having fun; it's interesting because she faces it earnestly. Her rich sensitivity keeps those around her engaged. I'm excited to see what kind of flowers she will bloom in the future.

Interviewer:Kyoka Uchida

NMT inc.マネージャー。97年生まれ。東京都出身。立教大学経営学部卒業。デザインプレックス研究所グラフィックデザインコース修了。在学中に蜷川実花氏率いる「ラッキースター」や、千原徹也氏率いる「れもんらいふ」にてインターンを経験。高校時代、少林寺拳法で全国大会準優勝の実績も。

NMT inc. manager. Born in 1997. From Tokyo. Graduated from Rikkyo University's School of Business. Completed the Graphic Design Course at Design Plex Research Institute. Interned at "Lucky Star" led by Mika Ninagawa and "Lemon Life" led by Tetsuya Chihara during her studies. In high school, she also achieved second place in the national tournament in Shorinji Kempo.