東京モデル事務所|ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Marin Morii

2024.4.27 update

高校時代、芸能事務所のオーディションを受けたのがきっかけです。 当時は演技のレッスンも受けていました。
Could you please tell me what prompted you to start modeling?
During high school, I auditioned for a talent agency. At that time, I was also taking acting lessons.
初めてのCM撮影です。布袋寅泰さんが部長役で私は天然OL役でした。 撮影当日、喉の調子が悪くて少しハスキーボイスだったんです。 それがかえって好評で(笑)。不幸中の幸いでした。 布袋さんの生演奏も凄く印象に残っています。
Do you have any memorable experiences from your work?
My first CM shoot stands out to me. I played the role of a natural airhead office lady, with Mr.Tomoyasu Hotei as the department head. On the day of the shoot, I had a hoarse voice due to a bad throat condition. Surprisingly, it was well-received. It was a fortunate misfortune. I also have a vivid memory of Hotei-san's live performance.
香港のエージェンシーと契約していました。 シェアハウスで生活していたんだけど多国籍でしたね。ブラジル、フランス、ロシア、カナダとか。 休日は互いの国のお菓子を作って映画を見たり。とても楽しい時間でした。 海外生活は性に合っていました。
I heard you also worked abroad.
I was contracted with an agency in Hong Kong. I lived in a share house with people from various countries like Brazil, France, Russia, and Canada. On weekends, we would make snacks from each other's countries and watch movies. It was a very enjoyable time. Living abroad suited me well.
Do you still keep in touch with people from that time?
I'm still close friends with a French model who shares the same birthday as me.
母の影響ですね。幼い頃から自分で服を選ぶよう教えられました。 母は自ら選んだ方がファッションセンスが身につくと考えていた様です。
How did you develop your sense of fashion?
It was influenced by my mother. She taught me to choose my own clothes from a young age. My mother believed that choosing for oneself helps develop a sense of fashion.
よく見ていました。「CUTiE」や「JILLE」が特に好きでしたね。 ファッションページがとにかくお洒落で、よく切り抜きしました。
Did you read fashion magazines from an early age?
I used to read them often. I particularly liked "CUTiE" and "JILLE." The fashion pages were very stylish, so I often cut them out.
What are you interested in now?
I want to try producing clothing. Also, I want to continue activities that benefit cats.
大好きです。子供の頃からずっと一緒。 ファッション業界には猫好きが多いんですよ。 今後もチャリティー企画等で皆さんに広めたいな。
You really love cats, don't you?
I love them. I've been with them since I was a child. There are many cat lovers in the fashion industry. I want to continue spreading awareness through charity projects and the like.
業界全体がサスティナブルな動きがあるし、ファッションと社会問題はどの時代もリンクしていますよね。 とはいえ、まだまだ猫の現状を知らない方も多いので、少しづつ発信出来たらと思っています。
You're also active on social media, right?
The industry as a whole is moving towards sustainability, and fashion has always been linked to social issues. However, many people still don't know about the current situation of cats, so I want to gradually spread awareness.
人に会うのが楽しい。様々な考えに触れるのが好きです。 面識のない人と素の状態で出逢うのは刺激になります。 昔は一人好きだったけれど、今は人との結びつきが愛おしく感じます。
Can you share a fun moment?
I enjoy meeting people. I like encountering various ideas. Meeting new people in a natural state is stimulating. I used to enjoy being alone, but now I cherish the connections with others.
そうかな(笑)。あっ、美術館には一人で行きます。 作家が葛藤の末に生み出した作品を見るのが好き。彼らに想いを馳せて鑑賞するのが醍醐味というか。 作品を見ていると無難に生きるより挑戦し続けたいと感じます。
You had an image of being aloof, didn't you?
Is that so? Oh, I go to art museums alone. I like to see works created by artists after their struggles. It's a joy to contemplate their thoughts. When I see their works, I feel like I want to keep challenging myself rather than living safely.
広く浅くですよ。キャリアが長くなるにつれ、よりスタッフと一緒に物作りをしたいと思うようになりました。 常にクリエイティブでいられたら良いな。セルフプロデュースの時代だし。 ただコンセプトに合わせるだけではなく、こちらからも提案できたら素敵ですよね。
You have a broad range of interests.
It's broad but shallow. As my career has progressed, I've wanted to work more closely with staff to create things. I hope I can always be creative. It's the era of self-production. It would be wonderful to not only fit the concept but also propose ideas from my side.
後悔してもいいけど、色々な事にチャレンジしたい。 実は東日本大震災があった当日、仙台で撮影をしていました。 その時、周りの人や動物が尊い存在だと再認識しました。 人生はいつどうなるかわからないので、一日一日を楽しく生きる事が目標です。
Finally, please tell us about your future goals.
I want to try various things without regret. Actually, I was shooting in Sendai on the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake. At that time, I realized the preciousness of the people and animals around me. Since we never know what will happen in life, my goal is to live each day happily.

Editor's note


Morii cherishes each day, singing praises to life. As she ages, even small regrets become scary, leading her to make safe choices. However, she seems to enjoy regrets and failures as elements that shape herself. Her adventurous spirit exudes a unique atmosphere. We cannot take our eyes off Morii, who expresses what she feels when viewing the world from a bird's eye view.

Interviewer:Kyoka Uchida

NMT inc.マネージャー。97年生まれ。東京都出身。立教大学経営学部卒業。デザインプレックス研究所グラフィックデザインコース修了。在学中に蜷川実花氏率いる「ラッキースター」や、千原徹也氏率いる「れもんらいふ」にてインターンを経験。高校時代、少林寺拳法で全国大会準優勝の実績も。

NMT inc. manager. Born in 1997. From Tokyo. Graduated from Rikkyo University's Faculty of Business. Completed the Graphic Design Course at the Design Plex Institute. During his studies, he interned at 'Lucky Star' led by Mika Ninagawa and 'Lemon Life' led by Tetsuya Chihara. In high school, he also achieved second place in the national competition in Shaolin Kempo.