株式会社ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Sayo Soma

2024.4.27 update

What inspired you to start modeling?
I was introduced to an agency by a teacher at my vocational school.
What did you study in vocational school?
I attended a design school with the goal of becoming a fashion designer.
青文字系が好きで木村カエラさんに憧れていました。前髪を真似してみたり(笑)。 「Zipper」や「KERA」は毎月チェックしていましたね。 愛知出身なんですけど、原宿に行く時はいつもワクワクしていました。
What kind of fashion did you like as a student?
I loved Aomoji-kei fashion and admired Kaela Kimura. I even tried to copy her bangs. I checked out "Zipper" and "KERA" magazines every month. Being from Aichi, I always felt excited when I visited Harajuku.
You have a wide range of expression, don't you?
Thank you. I try to value my individuality while also meeting the clients' demands.
Are you the type to prepare thoroughly in advance?
I do practice a lot. Before doing a reporter job, I research angles for breaking chopsticks, imagining the real scene.
とはいえ実際は想像を超える料理が多いので、つい美味しさを噛み締めてしまうんです(笑)。 コメント以外にもインサート等気をつける事が沢山ありました。
That's quite serious.
But in reality, the dishes often exceed my expectations, so I end up savoring their deliciousness. Besides comments, I have to pay attention to many other things like inserts.
朝は白湯や生姜湯を飲んで体が冷えない様にしています。食事はタンパク質を多めにとります。 ジムやヨガにも通っています。特別な事はしていませんが日々の積み重ねが大切ですね。
By the way, how do you maintain your style?
In the morning, I drink hot water or ginger tea to keep my body warm. I eat a lot of protein. I also go to the gym and practice yoga. It's nothing special, but the daily accumulation is important.
実は自分に自信がなかったんですけど、モデルを始めてから変わりました。 昔は皆んなと同じ様になりたかったけど、今は違う風になりたいなって。 個性を肯定する事が大切という事に気づいたんです。
You're always cheerful.
I used to lack confidence, but that changed when I started modeling. I used to want to be like everyone else, but now I want to be different. I've realized the importance of embracing individuality.
最近だと冨永愛さんの「Ai愛なんて、大っ嫌い」に共感しました。 他人や外見に左右されない生き方は素敵だなと思います。
Is there someone who has influenced you?
Recently, I resonated with Ai Tominaga's "Ai, I Hate Love." I admire her way of living without being swayed by others or appearances.
People who stay true to themselves are wonderful.
Of course, it's important to enhance my expressiveness and appearance as a model, but I also want to be a warm-hearted person outside of work.
What are you interested in right now?
I get excited when I find cute vending machines!
田舎にある古き良き自販機がツボです(笑)。 ポツンって置いてある佇まいやノスタルジックなデザインとか。心をくすぐられっぱなし(笑)。 いつか全国の自販機巡りをして書籍化できたら最高ですね!
Cute vending machines?
I love the old-fashioned vending machines in the countryside. Their quaint presence and nostalgic designs really captivate me. I'd love to do a nationwide vending machine tour and turn it into a book someday!
以前からNMT inc.のwebをチェックしていました。 様々な分野で活躍するモデルと一緒に仕事をしてみたかったんです。 実際所属させて頂ける事になってワクワクしています。 社長やマネージャーの意見を取り入れて色々チャレンジしたいです。 応援よろしくお願いします。
Finally, how do you feel about being part of the agency?
I had been checking out NMT Inc.'s website for a while. I wanted to work with models active in various fields. Now that I’m actually part of the agency, I'm excited. I want to try different challenges by incorporating the opinions of the president and managers. Please support me.

Editor's note

休日は「レトロスポット巡り」をしている宗馬。彼女の話を聞いているうちに、私まで自販機が気になってきた。宗馬は他の人が気づかない「素敵さ」を察知するセンサーが敏感なのだろう。だからこそ現場で気配りができたり、違う視点で撮影に挑めるのだと思う。彼女が新たな一歩をNMT inc.で踏み出し、どのように飛躍していくのか楽しみだ。

On her days off, Soma enjoys visiting retro spots. Listening to her stories even made me interested in vending machines. Soma has a keen sensor for noticing the "charm" that others might miss. This quality likely helps her be attentive on set and approach shoots from unique perspectives. I'm excited to see how she will take her first steps at NMT Inc. and soar to new heights.

Interviewer:Kyoka Uchida

NMT inc. マネージャー。97年生まれ。東京都出身。立教大学経営学部卒業。デザインプレックス研究所グラフィックデザインコース修了。在学中に蜷川実花氏率いる「ラッキースター」や、千原徹也氏率いる「れもんらいふ」にてインターンを経験。高校時代、少林寺拳法で全国大会準優勝の実績も。

NMT inc. manager. Born in 1997. From Tokyo. Graduated from Rikkyo University's Faculty of Business. Completed the Graphic Design Course at the Design Plex Institute. During his studies, he interned at 'Lucky Star' led by Mika Ninagawa and 'Lemon Life' led by Tetsuya Chihara. In high school, he also achieved second place in the national competition in Shaolin Kempo.