東京モデル事務所|ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Yukako Kawano

2024.4.29 update

銀座で買物をしている際、ミスユニバースにスカウトされました。 最初は軽い気持ちでしたが、今思うと人生の転機でした。
Please tell me what prompted you to become a model.
While shopping in Ginza, I was scouted by Miss Universe. At first, I didn't think much of it, but looking back now, it was a turning point in my life.
自分を変える大きなきっかけになりました。 出場者がストイックに自分磨きをしている姿を見てカルチャーショックを受けましたね。 前のめりに自己主張するのではなく、内面から綺麗になろうと努力するのが印象的で。 そんな姿に触発されて、「これからは自分のやりたい事をやってゆこう」と決めました。
I see, so your modeling career began from Miss Universe.
It became a significant catalyst for change in myself. Witnessing contestants diligently refining themselves came as a cultural shock. Their dedication to becoming beautiful from within, rather than aggressively asserting themselves, was impressive. Inspired by such dedication, I decided, 'From now on, I'll pursue what I truly want to do.
自己追求をしても良いと思えた事。 色々な事に興味を持つ様になりました。 例えばスキンケア。前はそこまで気にしてなかったけど、今は肌の内側から綺麗にする様心掛けています。
Did you experience any changes when you started modeling?
I began to feel that it's okay to pursue self-improvement. I started to take interest in various things. For example, skincare. I didn't pay much attention to it before, but now I make an effort to keep my skin beautiful from the inside out.
自粛期間中にハマったというのもあるんですけど。 年々スキンケアの大切さを実感してます。
Your skin looks really beautiful.
There's also the fact that I got into it during the self-restraint period. I feel the importance of skincare more and more with each passing year.
「ドゥーオーガニック」はよく使っていますね。 あと「オルカンモ」も大好き!これはヒト幹細胞養液を配合した化粧水で、肌内部の働きを促してくれます。 ヒト幹細胞と名の付く商品は全て試したくなる程どハマり中です(笑)。
Do you have any recommended skincare?
I use "Doo Organic" a lot. Also, I love "Orkanmo"! This is a toner containing human stem cell culture fluid, which promotes the function of the skin inside. I'm so hooked on anything with the name "human stem cells" that I want to try them all.
大学が理系だったので、検証癖があるみたいで(笑)。 モデルを始める時も「今からモデルは遅くない?」って友人に言われました。 悔しさもありましたが、それ以上に「本当にそうなのかやってみたい」と思ったんです。
It will be educational.
As I graduated from a science-focused university, it seems I have a tendency to verify things. When I started modeling, a friend even asked me, 'Isn't it too late to start modeling now?' It was frustrating, but more than that, I thought, 'Is it really true? I want to try it and see.
そうですね。モデル業は数値化しづらいから良く観察して、どんな傾向にあるのか考えます。 たまにノートにまとめたり(笑)。
Logical thinking is important in the workplace, isn't it?
Yes, that's right. In the modeling industry, because it's difficult to quantify, I often observe closely and think about what trends there are. Sometimes I even jot them down in notes.
深みを出したいです。後は研ぎ澄まされたセンスが必要だと感じています。 その為にも興味を持った事に向き合ってゆきたいと思います。
Is there any particular aspect you want to improve on in the future?
I want to deepen my understanding. I also feel the need for a refined sense. Therefore, I want to engage with things I'm interested in to achieve that.
「銭湯」が好きなんです、地元民に愛されているような。 周辺には安くて美味しいご飯屋さんがあったりね。 色々と新たな発見があって面白いんです。 あとは和に興味があります。 所作を学ぶ中で、四季折々の風情を感じるのは素敵ですよね。 茶道を題材にした樹木希林さんの「日日是好日」は大好きな作品です。
What are you interested in right now?
I like public baths. It seems to be loved by locals. There are cheap and delicious rice restaurants nearby, too. There are various new discoveries, which are interesting. I'm also interested in Japanese culture. It's wonderful to feel the seasonal atmosphere while learning manners. I love the work 'Nichinichi Kore Kounichi' by Kirin Kiki, which is based on the tea ceremony.
我武者羅にやっていた時期もありましたが、付け焼き刃では続かないと分かったんです。 それ以来、仕事を長く続ける為にも無理せずナチュラルにやっていく事にしました。
You have a personality that achieves results while maintaining a sense of composure.
I went through a period of pushing myself relentlessly, but I realized that it wasn't sustainable with half-hearted efforts. Since then, I've decided to approach things naturally, without pushing myself too hard, in order to sustain my work in the long run.
プライベートでも余裕を持てる様になりました。 周りの人を大切にする事で、深く長く付き合って行けるようになった気がします。 日常品も長く使える物を選択するようになりました。
So, you've come to where you are now through those times.
I've also become able to have more time for myself in private. By valuing the people around me, I feel like I've become able to maintain deeper and longer-lasting relationships. I've also started choosing everyday items that last longer.
CMに繋げる為に演技力を強化したいです。 お芝居する時、頭で考える癖があるので、感情を解放して表現の幅を広げる事が目標です。
What would you like to challenge in the future?
I want to enhance my acting skills to connect with commercials. When acting, I tend to overthink, so my goal is to release my emotions and broaden my range of expression.

Editor's note


I was drawn to Kawano's pure heart. Her approach to things she's curious about with pure intentions is admirable. She won't miss opportunities due to unnecessary pride. I'm excited to see what results await her as she pursues them.

Interviewer:Kyoka Uchida

NMT inc.マネージャー。97年生まれ。東京都出身。立教大学経営学部卒業。デザインプレックス研究所グラフィックデザインコース修了。在学中に蜷川実花氏率いる「ラッキースター」や、千原徹也氏率いる「れもんらいふ」にてインターンを経験。高校時代、少林寺拳法で全国大会準優勝の実績も。

NMT inc. manager. Born in 1997. From Tokyo. Graduated from Rikkyo University's Faculty of Business. Completed the Graphic Design Course at the Design Plex Institute. During his studies, he interned at 'Lucky Star' led by Mika Ninagawa and 'Lemon Life' led by Tetsuya Chihara. In high school, he also achieved second place in the national competition in Shaolin Kempo.