東京モデル事務所|ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Yurie Yoshida

2024.5.10 update

地元の広島でスカウトされました。 最初はやるつもりがなかったんです。 子供の頃から人見知りだったし、人前に出るなんてもっての外。 高校卒業間近まで普通に就職するつもりでした。
Could you please tell me what prompted you to become a model?
I was scouted in my hometown of Hiroshima. At first, I had no intention of doing it. I had been shy since childhood and being in front of people was out of the question for me. I was planning to graduate from high school and get a regular job.
モデルになる事で、他の何者かに変われるかもしれないと期待しました。 正直、「物は試し」という軽い気持ちもありましたね(笑)。
Why did you decide to give it a try?
I hoped that becoming a model might allow me to become someone else. Honestly, I also had a light-hearted feeling of "let's give it a try".
レッスンが大変でした。 カメラ前に立つと体は震えるし表情はこわばるし、全然思う様にできませんでした。 だけど、元々負けん気は強いので地道にレッスンに通いました。 そうしているうちに仕事も徐々に増えて、着実に自分が変わった事に気づいたんです。 背が高いというコンプレックスもいつの間にか消えました。
How was it when you first tried it?
The lessons were tough. My body trembled and my expression stiffened when I stood in front of the camera, and I couldn't do it the way I wanted at all. But, because I'm naturally competitive, I diligently attended lessons. As I continued, my work gradually increased, and I realized that I was changing steadily. My complex about being tall disappeared before I knew it.
気付いたらモデルに夢中になっていました。 色々なキャラクターになれるのも醍醐味ですよね。 ストリート、コンサバ、モード等、様々なシチュエーションがあるのも楽しいです。
A year after starting modeling, you moved to Tokyo.
Before I knew it, I was obsessed with modeling. It's also exciting to be able to become various characters, isn't it? The variety of situations like street, conservative, and mode is also enjoyable.
はっきりとイメージする事。つまり変身かな。 例えばアニメのヒロインが変身するみたいに、明確にキャラクターを思い描いて入り込む事です。 イメージがしっかりできれば、クライアントが求めているものに近付けると思います。
Do you have any secrets for expressing yourself?
Clearly imagining it. In other words, transformation, I suppose. For example, like when the heroine of an anime transforms, you have to vividly imagine the character and immerse yourself in it. If you can imagine it clearly, I think you can get closer to what the client is looking for.
ありがとうございます。オーディション前にコンテをよく読む事や、監督とよく話す事を心掛けています。 あとは、常に現場を楽しむようにしています。 カメラが回っていない時も明るく過ごしていると、自然とコミュニケーションが生まれるんですよね。 「また吉田と仕事がしたい」と思って頂けたら最高ですね。
It's understandable that you've appeared in numerous commercials.
Thank you. I make sure to read the storyboard thoroughly before auditions and talk to the director a lot. Also, I always try to enjoy being on set. When you spend time brightly even when the camera isn't rolling, natural communication is born. It would be great if people thought, "I want to work with Yoshida again."
昔から心の奥には理想の自分があったけど、どうやって表現すれば良いのかずっとわかりませんでした。 タイミングと勢いでモデルになった事で、人見知りだった私は変わりました。 もし行動を起こす事に二の足を踏んでいる方がいたら、思い切って挑戦して欲しいと思います。 一緒に頑張りましょう!
Finally, could you give us a word?
I've always had an ideal version of myself deep inside, but I never knew how to express it. By becoming a model with timing and momentum, I changed from being shy. If there's anyone hesitating to take action, I hope they'll take the plunge and give it a try. Let's do our best together!

Editor's note


Yoshida started her career with the desire to "become something else" She vividly imagined that ideal and has since found fulfillment in transforming into various characters. "There are many characters I'd like to try in the future" she says with a smile, brimming with confidence. Watching Yoshida, it feels like a big image has already been completed within her.

Interviewer:Yotaro Kato


Creative director. Born in 1984. After completing graduate studies at the Graduate School of International Information and Communication Studies at Waseda University, worked at the head office of Japan Post Co., Ltd. before becoming independent. Involved in strategic planning and production of plans for media-related companies, as well as content creation through writing and photography.