東京モデル事務所|ニュートラルマネジメント(NMT Inc.)


Rina Otomo

2024.4.27 update

中学の頃に観た「TOKYO GIRLS COLLECTION」がきっかけです。 背が高いのがコンプレックスでしたが、ランウェイを颯爽と歩くモデルからは自信が伝わりました。 「背が高いって格好いいんだ」と価値観を変えてくれたんです。
Please tell me the trigger to aim for a model.
The trigger for aspiring to become a model was the "TOKYO GIRLS COLLECTION" I watched in middle school. I used to have a complex about my height, but seeing models confidently strut down the runway gave me confidence. It changed my perspective to 'Being tall is cool.
本格的に始めたのは大学生からです。 撮影が続いた後の授業は眠かったけれど、なんとか通い続けました(笑)。
Did you start model right away?
I started in earnest during my university years. After consecutive photo shoots, I often felt sleepy during classes, but I managed to keep going.
大学ではモデル以外の事を学びたかったんです。 フランス語に興味もあったし。 色々な事にトライできるのは学生の特権ですよね。
You wanted to attend university even if it meant juggling both, right?
At university, I wanted to study things other than modeling. I was also interested in French. Being able to try various things is a privilege of being a student, isn't it?
結構忘れました(笑)。 ただ、「星の王子さま」(サン=テグジュペリ)の中に、今でも大好きな一節があります。 On ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. (大切な事は、目には見えない) 「星の王子さま」は読む度に大切な事を思い出させてくれます。 私にとってのバイブルです。
Can you still speak French?
I've actually forgotten quite a bit (laughs). However, there's a passage from 'The Little Prince' (by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) that I still love: 'On ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.' (One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.) 'The Little Prince' always reminds me of important things whenever I read it. It's like my bible.
トコトン落ち込む事もありますよ。 そんな時は急いで立ち直ろうとはしません。 それでも落ち着かない時は、好きな漫画を読んで自分を労う様にしています。
By the way, do you ever feel down?
I do experience moments when I feel really down. During those times, I don't rush to bounce back immediately. If I still feel unsettled, I indulge myself by reading my favorite manga to comfort myself.
迷いますが、浅野いにおさんの「おやすみぷんぷん」はどうでしょう? キャッチコピーは「読んだ後、鬱になる勇気ある?」(笑)。 主人公の「ぷんぷん」が鳥人間のような見た目なんです。ストーリーも凄くディープ。 悩みすら吹き飛ばしてくれるインパクトがある作品ですよ!
Do you have any recommended manga for times like that?
It's a tough choice, but how about Inio Asano's 'Goodnight Punpun'? The tagline is 'Do you have the courage to become depressed after reading it?' (laughs). The protagonist, Punpun, has a bird-like appearance. The story is incredibly deep. It's a work with such impact that it can blow away your worries.
「旭化成キャンペーンガール」のお披露目会が一番心に残っています。 ちょうど大学の卒業式の翌日でした。 「モデルとして頑張れ」って背中を押して頂いた気分になりました。
Do you have any memorable projects?
The unveiling event for Asahi Kasei's campaign girl left the biggest impression on me. It happened just the day after my university graduation ceremony. It felt like I was being encouraged with the message 'Keep doing your best as a model
旭化成が決まった時は、正直プレッシャーもありました。 でも、それ以上に「どんな未来が待っているんだろう」とワクワクしました。
It's a promising start, isn't it?
When I was chosen by Asahi Kasei, I'll be honest, there was some pressure. But more than that, I felt excited about what kind of future awaited me.
「繋がりの1年」となりました。本当に沢山の方達と出逢えたんです。 今でも連絡を下さる方もいて凄く励みになります。
How was it after finishing the campaign?
It was a year of connections. I had the opportunity to meet so many people. Even now, there are people who keep in touch with me, and it's really encouraging.
そうですね。私は素直でいる事、感謝を忘れない事を大切にしています。 ふと思い出したり、会いたいと思ったら出来る限り連絡するよう心掛けています。 NMT inc.に所属するきっかけも大切な人との繋がりでした。
Continuing those connections can be challenging, isn't it?
Indeed. I value being genuine and not forgetting to express gratitude. I try to reach out whenever I remember someone or feel like meeting them. The opportunity to join NMT Inc. also came through a connection with an important person.
楽しみが一杯あります。 先日のレッスンで泣く演技をしましたが、早速課題が見つかりました。 所属モデルと交流出来たので4時間があっという間でした。 アットホームな事務所の雰囲気もとても気に入っています。 しっかり学びながら様々なお仕事に挑戦したいです。
How do you feel about being affiliated with NMT Inc.?
There are plenty of things to look forward to. I did a crying scene in a recent lesson, and it immediately helped me identify areas for improvement. The four hours flew by as I interacted with the other models affiliated with the agency. I really like the friendly atmosphere of the agency. I want to challenge myself with various jobs while learning and growing.
色々ありますが、ファッション誌やアパレルの撮影に力を入れたいです。 NMT inc.に所属するからには、応援してくれる皆さんに沢山良いお知らせができる様に頑張ります。 あと、ゴルフやインスタグラムの更新も頑張っているので、そちらも応援して頂けたら嬉しいです!
What kind of challenges do you want to take on?
There are various things I'd like to try, but I want to focus on fashion magazine and apparel shoots. Since I'm affiliated with NMT Inc., I'll do my best to share lots of good news with everyone who supports me. Also, I'm putting effort into golf and updating my Instagram, so I'd be happy if you could support me there too!
ありがとうございます。最近はコーディネートを投稿するのが楽しくなりました。 以前はモノトーンコーデが多かったけれど、最近は明るい色を取り入れたスタイリングが好きです。
I'm also looking forward to your Instagram posts!
You're welcome. Lately, I've been enjoying posting my outfits. I used to wear a lot of monochrome outfits, but recently, I've been enjoying styling with brighter colors.
ほとんどのファッション誌は必ずチェックしています。 仕事やプライベートが充実している方のスタイリングも参考になりますね。
Do you have any references?
I always make sure to check most fashion magazines. I also find the styling of those who are successful in both their work and personal lives to be inspiring.
この仕事が大好きなので、歳を重ねても活躍できる、息の長いモデルになるのが目標です。 実は、周囲の期待を優先してしまい悩んだこともあったんです。 でも今は、自分の気持ちに正直に楽しく活動していきたいと思っています。
Finally, please tell me your ideal image of a model.
Since I love this job so much, my goal is to become a long-lasting model who can continue to be active even as I age. Actually, there have been times when I struggled because I prioritized the expectations of those around me. But now, I want to honestly follow my own feelings and enjoy my activities.

Editor's note


The most important things are invisible to the eye." As we grow older, we tend to pursue only what is visible in front of us. That's because it's the easiest way to satisfy ourselves. However, what is truly important may be to listen to our inner voice. Perhaps, throughout all ages, what moves people's hearts is not something visible, but rather, invisible passion. During the interview, I felt her passion as she spoke with a sincere gaze about the joy of her work and gratitude towards those around her. Otomo, who exudes a gentle atmosphere and a warm heart, is sure to continue to stir the hearts of many people in the future.

Interviewer:Kyoka Uchida

NMT inc.マネージャー。97年生まれ。東京都出身。立教大学経営学部卒業。デザインプレックス研究所グラフィックデザインコース修了。在学中に蜷川実花氏率いる「ラッキースター」や、千原徹也氏率いる「れもんらいふ」にてインターンを経験。高校時代、少林寺拳法で全国大会準優勝の実績も。

NMT inc. manager. Born in 1997. From Tokyo. Graduated from Rikkyo University's Faculty of Business. Completed the Graphic Design Course at the Design Plex Institute. During his studies, he interned at 'Lucky Star' led by Mika Ninagawa and 'Lemon Life' led by Tetsuya Chihara. In high school, he also achieved second place in the national competition in Shaolin Kempo.